Montag, 23. November 2015

joeys weekly tangle challenge #88

Hier ist mein erster Beitrag für "joeys weekly tangle challenge #88". Hier sollte ein Monotangle von dem Muster "YUMA" getangelt werden. Hier mein Beitrag....

This is my first entry for "joeys weekly tangle challenge #88". We had to draw a Monotangle from the Pattern "YUMA", here my result....

♥ Vielen Dank für Deinen Besuch ♥
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9 Kommentare:

  1. A great Yuma, it looks as though it is swaying to music.

  2. I agree! Lovely movement and dimension, with the shading and highlights!

  3. Love your tile, I'm adding this challenge to my list.

  4. Wunderschön ist dein Yuma Monotangle! Ich finde es auch ein tolles Muster.
    LG Esther

  5. The shading and highlights on this piece is beautifully done! Thank you for sharing your tile!
    ~ joey ~

  6. This is incredible, Ulrike!! This is so elegant and fanciful at the same time :) :) I am glad you are enjoying my comments (as I do yours!!) :) :)

    ~ Diane Clancy

  7. Gorgeous Yuma! Your shading is really wonderful.
